Advance sale concert tickets and classic car preregistration is available by calling 908-876-9100. Reserve your room at the Hilton with a credit card by calling 973-455-7920. For a Plan A car package, call 908-876-9100. A few rooms are still available at the Hilton, where the show happens. One Day and 3-day Plan B classic car entries and Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Concert, show, and prom tickets are available now! Tickets are going fast; suggest you call now 908-876-9100. Early bird discounts are available. Credit cards accepted.
LEAD EAST is for 1982 and earlier vehicles — but it’s an oldies festival/party not just a car show! NOTE: Newer radically customized cars and/or any car or truck with a chopped top, low-riders with hydraulics or airbags are also welcome! A car with a custom paint job is NOT a serious custom (multiple body modifications required). We have changed the cutoff from ’72 to ‘82 because for years many of you have asked us to do so. Some-hard core LEAD EAST veterans want to keep it ’72 or earlier, but times are changing and there are plenty of cool cars from the 70’s & 80’s.
The word LEAD is a synonym for “customized car.” We fill four adjacent parking lots with 2000 restored classic 1982 and earlier cars, customs, low-riders, and street rods. Many are for sale. Last year it attracted cars from more than 30 states — from as far as California, Florida, Texas and even Canada, because it offers activities and non-stop entertainment unlike any other “car show”.
If you love custom cars — a true American art form — year in and year out LEAD EAST gathers more ‘lead-sleds” (customized cars) than any other event on the planet. This event was created in 1983 to promote the custom car movement, and it has done just that. Many cars have been built and finished with LEAD EAST as the deadline, the event being an incentive for enthusiasts to start and complete their dream car. There are always a number of fresh, incredibly high-quality customs on display at the event that we guarantee you have not seen. A WORD TO THE WISE… CUSTOM CARS SHOULD PRE-REG EARLY call 908-876-9100.
We’d love to see your 1982 or earlier vintage car at LEAD EAST 2024! It’s your choice, you can register your car at the show or Pre-Register in Advance. Every year a higher percentage of the cars entered are pre-registered!
Some registrants have called our office to tell us the Parsippany Hilton/Hampton Inn say they are sold out of rooms. THIS IS NOT CORRECT! There are rooms available. The national Hilton central computer booking system reserves the entire hotel for Lead East and there are still rooms available. Call 973-455-7920 weekdays between 9-5 and ask for Koren. If you have any difficulty call Linda at Lead East 908 876 9100 and we will help. When you reach our answering machine please leave a message with your contact information.
For owners of custom cars on display that have a hotel room reserved at the Hilton or Hampton Inn for a minimum of four nights (Thurs.-Sun.). A 4 or 5-day PLAN A car space with 2 adults and all children under 17, is $147.00, and if you are a senior 65 or older, let us know if ordered before the show there will be a $10 discount. All PLAN A car entries include one custom car, weekend wristbands for 2 adults and driver’s children inside the car under 17. PLAN A entry is not included with hotel room price, but a hotel reservation enables you the right to apply for a PLAN A package. Senior Discount only available with preregistrations, call today, 908-876-9100 credit cards accepted!
PLAN A is a 4-day or 5-day package, depending on, if you have a hotel room at the Hilton, reserved, starting Wednesday or Thursday night. You do not have to enter a classic car to buy a hotel room at the Hilton/Hampton. If you are a spectator without a classic car, but with a hotel room at the Hilton/Hampton, you do have to buy a weekend wristband for each person in your party to come and enjoy the show. Reserving a hotel room DOES NOT entitle you entry to our five-day oldie’s Party/Festival — you need to purchase a PLAN A package for your car or purchase weekend spectator wristbands. Family plans are available. Call 908-876-9100. Credit cards accepted.
Purchase your spectator package, wristbands, or family plan, by calling 908-876-9100, credit cards accepted.
A three-day package for people entering a custom car but not staying at Hilton/Hampton: A 3-day PLAN B for two adults and custom car is $148.00 and a PLAN B Senior Citizen (65+) is $138.00., includes children in car under 17. Limited plans are still available call 908-876-9100 today. The PLAN B Package entitles the car owner to enter his or her custom car Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It includes two adult weekend wristbands plus wristbands for children in car under 17. Additional adult wristbands are $30 each. Family plans are available. All non-Preregistered Plan B cars come to registration starting at 3:00 PM Friday, NOT BEFORE!
ONE DAY CUSTOM CAR ENTRY: Saturday or Sunday.
ONE DAY Entries are welcome Saturday or Sunday, either pre-registered or on site, includes custom car, two adults, and children in car under 17. $50.00
ONE DAY Entries with one adult and children under 17, $35.00 call today 908-876-9100 credit cards accepted.
Because of our parking lot rental costs, we are forced to charge for Trailer and Tow Vehicle Parking. This is not something we invented; Goodguys, the Charlotte Auto Fair, Hershey AACA, and NSRA, among others, have ALL been charging (sometimes exorbitantly) for trailer and tow vehicle parking for years. We must pay to rent the lot, to clean it, security, etc. Limited plans still available call today, a standard tow vehicle (pickup, etc.) pulling a single car open or closed trailer, parking is $25 for tow vehicle and trailer for the entire weekend starting Wednesday August 30. A tow vehicle and oversized (eg longer than 25 feet) trailer is $50. Please call in advance 908-876-9100. Your window sticker will be mailed to you in advance.
Every PLAN A (4 or 5day) and PLAN B (3-day) car entered, regardless of whether they preregistered or registered on site will receive a party pass. It comes in a waterproof plastic bag and should be taped down in that car’s parking space so once it is there, that is your spot with your name, phone number, and car entry number on it for the remainder of the weekend.
If you reserve a parking space in advance, before the event begins, We put your PARTY PASS down in your space for you, so it is there when you arrive. No other car event we know of offers this convenience. Please pull it up and take it with you when you leave the event. Non custom, classic cars will not be allowed to park in the A or B lot.
Trailers: Only approved trailers will be allowed to park in the A or B lot. Send photos of trailers for pre-approval. Email to for approval. Note: No refunds or cancellations. However, cancellations made in writing in advance of the event may be applied to next year’s show. This does NOT apply to hotel room reservations.
Although we strive for accuracy in the assignment of spaces in specific lots, we reserve the right to adjust car spaces as to the necessity of changes due to circumstances resulting from unfortunate circumstances due to property management changes and decisions beyond our control.